In recent years, I have been putting together a small collection of old plaster slip-casting molds for ceramic work. Some of the molds are a bit goofy, like animal and people figurines. I wasn’t sure what to do with them until I came up with a new idea a couple months ago. I planned to use slip-casted figures as feet for wheel-thrown vessels. Think a claw-footed tub, but ceramic bowls ad the tub and figurines as the feet. I am still developing the process and the medusa pot is my first prototype. I am not in love with the manganese glaze, but everything about this project was an experiment.
The figurines are cute little ladies in big dresses holding flowers. I altered the ladies by adding snakes to their heads to make it a medusa pot. I quite enjoyed finding a way to make this slip-casted mold a bit of a new idea.
The dolls pictured are the Sekiguchi Momoko “The Safari of Dry Wind,” including the cold version (blonde). I really love the face screening, but I find it isn’t the easiest to photograph. Parts of it get a bit washed out. They are both wearing their original outfits.
Did you notice the hoya plant in the pot? I’m also a plant enthusiast!
There are more images of the pot and dolls on my Instagram account.
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