Momoko and Honee-B Outfits!

I recently finished a commissioned a Momoko outfit of a Fatal Frame 4 character named Asou Misaki.  A couple pictures are below with a picture of the character in the game.  I think it turned out quite well.  It makes me want to make more doll clothes with sheer qualities in the fabric. Also, I've finally got a hold on Honee-B sizes and make a little red dress for her.  She is just so cute and I can't wait to buy her more wigs and accessories!

Stay tuned for some new Alice in Wonderland outfits. I'm branching out to the Queen of Hearts, young and younger.


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Momoko, 10th Anniversary Today!

Petworks has sent out some info today, noting today specifically is the 10-year anniversary. What things have gone on thus far? Well, a darling Adobe Flash clock that rotates through 1,440 pics for starters! It's too bad there isn't a widget that can be installed permanently on computers, but I'm happy to watch it through another browser window. Also, Namie Manabe released a message today in regards to the anniversary. The exciting news is the anniversary will last from now through July 2012. If you've been spending quite a bit on Momoko lately, save up so you have a chance to spend even more over the next year!

What did I do in celebration of the anniversary this week? To kick it off I bought a ton of Momoko stuff on eBay and am planning on organizing my doll room today to give my Momokos a proper and organized anniversary display. I've also started some new Alice in Wonderland inspired clothes for the White Queen and Queen of Hearts. They'll be popping up on my Etsy page soon.

Post some pics on my Flickr group to celebrate. I'll be adding new pics throughout the day. I'd LOVE to see your lovely Momoko as well. Show off some of your prized and best!

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Discarded Books into Cards

After wandering through some second-hand stores lately, I've noticed there are a lot of discarded books in pretty poor condition and I wanted to give them a new life. My new repurposing project was to turn some of the illustrations in these books into new blank greeting cards. With the help of some other repurposed items, like fancy paper from other used greeting cards and envelopes, I took the old illustrations and added a little of my own flare to each card. I personally love the look of old meets new in these cards. This project is great for scrapbookers and a very affordable project for anyone. I recommend picking up some cheap young adult books at your local second-hand store for the illustrations. You might also start looking at paper you would normally just throw away in a whole new way. Ask yourself, can I use the paper in this [insert item here] for a greeting card?

It's cheaper than Hallmark and eco-friendly!

Some of the illustrations in the pictures above are from vintage books such as, "On Your Toes, Susie!" and "Shadow of a Bull."

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CDDP and Honee-B

This last weekend I attended the California Dolly Dream Party (CDDP) in Glendale, California. It was great to see all the creativity and diversity of ball-jointed dolls (BJDs). Besides getting to see some of my friends again at the event, I finally invested in my first BJD. I think it's funny that I pretty much picked one of the smallest BJDs -- Honee-B (Fun with Cherry Blossom) by Ruby Red Galleria. When I say I like miniature things, I guess I really mean it. The pictures below are Honee-B enjoying So-Cal with me. You bet I'll be making plenty of clothes for her. I've already started! Pictured from left to right: In front of Pacific Community Center building at the CDDP, in front of Griffith Observatory, hanging out in succulent garden at the Huntington Gardens in Pasadena, and redressed in wig and dress won at CDDP.

The new news? I just ordered Yeru from Peak's Woods!

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